Friday, February 8, 2013

Building Social Commerce Through Social Network

The Next Social Commerce Network


This type of business model has never been done before, nor has the Social/Mobile offering that Solavei will bring to market in September 2012. Outside industry experts say that this new model of Social Commerce has the potential of changing the way global businesses operate, by shifting billions of dollars from big advertising firms into the hands of everyday people.

Standing on the stage of Solavei’s private pre-launch event in Bellevue, Sue Nokes, SVP of Asurion and former COO and CCO of T-Mobile, as she reflected on the Beatles song, "Revolution", stated,

"I see Solavei as this generation’s next Walmart."


While Facebook touts close to 900 MILLION members, their business model supports the mining (or gathering) of personal information from its members, and then selling it to big advertisers, who, in turn, share in the profits with Facebook. Solavei’s business model is VERY different.

  Want To Ba A Thousandair..

If the people share the message, the people should get PAID, not just the advertisers or big businesses. It’s time for the people’s voices to have a value and Solavei sees that as the best win-win scenario possible. A revolution? YES!

 Want to know How Social Commerce Effect People's Life.....